Instant noodles, as such a convenient processed food, have a very large consumer market worldwide. In order to meet increasing consumer demand, more and more extensive and highly automatic instant noodle production lines have been constructed. However, the actual production process, there are still many challenges directly affecting the production efficiency, product quality and operating costs. In this paper, we systematically analyze the common key problems in the operation of instant noodle production line, and puts forward corresponding solutions, provide reference for the industry.
Control of Rehydration Challenge
1.1 Reasons for rehydration failure for instant noodles: Rehydration is a key indicator to evaluate the quality of instant noodles. The main cause for bad rehydration is the inferior microstructure of flatbread Read More. Excessive frying, damage of protein-gluten network structure, improper application of additives, etc. may limit the rehydration rate of flat vada. In particular, frying at high temperatures may result in a dense structure forming on the surface of the pastry, thereby hindered into the water; At the same time, the lack of gluten content or improper modulation will decrease the cake porosity. A few of these additives affect the water absorption behavior in flatbread by assisting in gluten-protein interactions.
1.2 Rehydration improvement strategies 1.2.1 The design of the flour ratio Just choose the flour with high protein content and good processing performance. Secondly, during the blending process, the ideal gluten network structure is formed by precisely controlling the amount of water added, the stirring time and the temperature. The third is to control the frying process in detail, do not fry too dry, use low-temperature vacuum frying technology, conducive to maintaining the structural integrity of pancake. The modest use of emulsifiers, starch and other additives on flatbread hydration and hydrophilicity.
Oil oxidation and rancidity
2.1 Complexity of oil oxidation process Oil oxidation and rancidity are the predominant quality issues in the effective lifespan of instant noodles. In frying, the relatively high temperature environment speeds up the oxidation reaction of oil and generates a series of oxidation products with malodorous. Also, the residual moisture content in the bread will help oil hydrolyzation to produce free fatty acids, and make it rancid. Light, oxygen, metal ions and other factors will also accelerate the oxidation of oil decomposition.
2.2 Measures to control oil oxidation: First, the frying temperature and time should be strictly controlled to minimize excessive oxidation. Second, select good quality and stable edible oil, such as refined palm oil; Third, adding antioxidants, for example, vitamin E, tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), etc. to inhibit the oxidation reaction of oil. Meanwhile, air conditioning packaging technology is applied to reduce the content of oxygen in the package, so as to prolong the oxidation time of oil. And also to prevent metal ion pollution, keep the production environment clean and sanitary.
High breaking rate of flatbread problem
3.1 Influencing factors of ovet-breaking in flapbread: flapbread will easily break during cutting, superposition, frying, cooling, packaging and other links, affecting the appearance quality of product and the income of production. Weak flour strength, unreasonable flour making process, equipment running operation is not stable, non-standard operation and broken rate increase. The flour quality is too low, which causes the disadvantage of weak bread. Water is not distributed evenly leading to different local strength of dough. If the equipment vibrates or collides/collides, the cake structure will be damaged; If the operator does not perform the operation, it will also increase the risk of breakage of the pancake.
3.2 Breaking rate reduction measures 1: Choose flour as much as possible 2: Quality testing Second, the kneading process parameters are optimized so that the gluten network is fully developed, and the vacuum kneading technology is adopted to improve the ductility and uniformity of the dough. 3., Regular maintenance and overhaul of production equipment, ensure long-term stable operation, but also reduce vibration and shock. And strengthening the training of staff, standardizing the business process, improving the level of operation. In the conveying process, flexible conveying equipment can be considered to reduce the damage of bread.
Quality check of the seasoning package
X3 Summer Tire Science: Factors Influencing the Quality of Seasoning Packet The seasoning packet is an essential component of instant noodles whose quality directly impacts the flavor and taste of the food. The quality of raw materials, processing technology, packaging materials and storage conditions are all closely related to the stability of seasoning package. The unstable quality of raw materials, excessive pollutants produced in the processing process, insufficient sealing of the seasoning bag packaging, and excessive storage temperature are likely to lead to the deterioration of the seasoning bag quality.
4.2 Control of seasoning package quality 4.2.1 Raw materials selection control First, we should set stringent standards and quality test for the procurement of raw materials, select high quality and safe raw materials. Second, Optimize the production as well as sterilization process of seasoning pouch, and apply advanced sterilization technologies (such as heat sterilization, irradiation sterilization and so on) to lessen the risk of microbial contamination. Third, barrier property of packaging materials and vacuum packing or nitrogen-filled packaging technology extend the shelf life. Simultaneously, implement a reasonable storage management system, control the storage temperature and humidity, and prevent direct sunlight.
Abstract: The systematic analysis in the instant noodle production line operation management and the continuous improvement of the problems encountered. Strengthening the quality control and standardized operation management, meanwhile, optimize the process, and improve the performance of equipment, can effectively improve the production efficiency, guarantee product quality, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Future Research Direction: The development of new raw material + the application of intelligent production technology + green production mode.